Fun Farmers’ Olympics [CANCELLED]

by | 2022-09-22 | News, Wellness Tent

Saturday October 8, 2022

Pugwash Farmers’ Market Wellness Tent is excited to have The Adventure Therapy Project leading another Fun Farmers’ Olympics event from 9AM to NOON.

Activities for ages 5-12. Each activity takes approximately 20 minutes.

Please pre-register by email to

You can register for one, a few, or all of the 20 minute activities. Maximum 12 children per activity.

9:00 Tug of War

9:25 Turkey Trot

9:55 Marshmallow Madness

10:15 Eggs-travaganza Race

10:40 Wheelbarrow Relay

11:05 Cranberry Craze

11:30 Pumpkin Minesweeper